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Supporting Children's Transitions Across the Early Years

Beth Rous
March 2023 (4th Edition)

Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist

The Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist is designed to assist early care and education providers in selecting functional skills children may need to make a successful transition into group-based settings at the kindergarten or first-grade levels. These skills focus on attending, compliance, following directions, turn-taking, classroom routines and rules, and independent functioning. Helpful Entry Level Skills are defined as those survival skills or social and behavioral skills often necessary for a child to function successfully in group-based settings.

Beth Rous
March 2023 (4th Edition)

User Manual for Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist

A guide for how to use the Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist.

Beth Rous & Caroline Gooden
March 2023 (4th Edition)

Instructional Strategies Manual

This manual can be used with the Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist and Functional Assessment of Behavior and Social Supports to provide teachers with strategies and activities to support the implementation of skills in classroom routines and activities.

Beth Rous
March 2023 (2nd Edition)

Functional Assessment of Behavioral and Social Supports

This assessment is designed to extend the Helpful Entry Level Skills Checklist by allowing a more in-depth  assessment of skills in the same five areas: classroom rules, work skills, communication skills, social/behavior skills and self-management skills. The assessment can assist preschool teachers in identifying the supports they provide to children in the classroom to help them 1) prepare them for new environments and 2) help them adjust to current environments.

Beth Rous
March 2023 (2nd Edition)

Guide to the Functional Assessment of Behavioral and Social Supports

User guide for how to use the Functional Assessment, including tips and strategies for facilitating skills development.

Beth Rous & Rena Hallam

Transition Practices Assessment

This tool is designed to support local agencies and programs in assessing the current status of transition practices within their community. It includes 21 transition practices in the areas of collaboration and coordination across community programs, program specific practices, and family services and supports.


Support for the development of these materials was provided through Project STEPS,  a national demonstration and outreach project funded through the U. S. Department of Education.  

We appreciate the hard work of numerous individuals in STEPS communities and state teams across the country, specifically those in the states of Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, and Washington, for their insightful comments and suggestions for improving the materials and products produced through these grants.

Grants program through the Handicapped Children's Early Education Program and Early Education Programs for Children With Disabilities within the Office of Special Education Programs.

©2016 by Early Childhood Research and Development Initiative.

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